Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals Ltd UK
ALL PROCEDURES take place at the Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. (Our contracted hospital)
The hospital represents cutting edge of technology in medical care from the most sophisticated surgical robotics and wireless 24-hour monitoring right down to smart patient beds and a regulated environment designed to give our international patients a holistic treatment and care package not just at – but beyond – internationally accepted JCI standards.
Address: 42 Harley Street London W1G 9PR
Whatsapp Line: +44 7470 06 37 15
Internationnally recognized and accredited
Group Florence Nightingale was one of the first Turkish hospitals accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI), the international arm of the organization that reviews and accredits American hospitals.
Experienced, internationally trained medical experts
All Group Florence Nightingale physicians are fully licensed by the Turkish Medical Council to practice their specialty in Turkey. In addition, many are Board Certified in their specialty in the US, Australia or Europe.
State-of-the-art technology and equipment
Astonishing advances have been made in the field of medical science and the technology used to offer treatment to patients in every field of specialization, over the past years.