Expert Opinion

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Center for International Patients (CIP)

Medical tourism has gained prominence in Turkey in recent years, with a steady rise in the number of foreign patients opting for medical packages that integrate treatment with holiday and transportation. High treatment costs and lengthy waiting lists in certain foreign countries have driven individuals to seek destinations where they can access high-quality treatment alongside leisure activities.

Main reasons for choosing Turkey for treatment include:

  • High-quality services
  • Lower prices compared to the patient’s home country
  • Well-recognized physicians
  • Advanced medical technology
  • Turkey’s reputation as a tourist destination

Group Florence Nightingale has led the healthcare industry in the region since 1989, establishing “Centers of Excellence” across its four hospitals and two medical centers. Each center is renowned for its expert treatment, surgery, and diagnostic capabilities, garnering recognition not only in Turkey but throughout the region.

Aligned with the principle of “Committed to Excellence,” the Center for International Patients (CIP) at GFN serves patients globally, including regions such as the Middle East & Gulf, North Africa, Central Asia and Caucasians, Balkans, and Eastern Europe.

As the CIP team, we strive to ensure the comfort and well-being of our patients!

Starting from the initial inquiry, the CIP members plan and provide physician reviews of medical records, contact patients and/or relatives for further procedures, arrange their transfer in Turkey, and details of hospital stay at the Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals.

Recognizing the challenges of being/having a patient in a foreign country, native-speaking multilingual translators from the CIP team meet patients and their companions from abroad as soon as they arrive at our hospitals, and provide 24/7 direct assistance for both medical and non-medical needs in a culturally sensitive manner.

Medical and Concierge Services are customized to meet the needs and expectations of each and every patient.

In critical or urgent cases, the CIP team ensures immediate, privileged medical second opinion and appointment procedures that guarantee instant attention, with all inquiries being responded to within 24 hours.

The CIP team is committed to delivering the highest quality professional service guided by key principles:

  • Quality and Success,
  • Transparency,
  • Fast-track Outcomes,
  • Convenience,
  • Comprehensive Services.