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Infertility & IVF Center

Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals Test Tube Baby Centers; target to ensure quality treatment for the couples who want to have a child by means of our expert physicians in the field, experienced and trained team, and laboratories with advanced devices.

Well-equipped high-tech laboratories and coordinated work of an experienced team are of great importance in the success of treatment for test tube baby. In our IVF (test tube baby) Centers, full range of services is given by our experienced doctors and large team in the embryology, andrology, endocrinology laboratories and endoscopic surgery unit.

Individualized treatment is performed

Couples who visit our Test Tube Baby Center for having a baby first meet the doctor and the team working in the center. Patients communicating with their doctor at each stage are offered an environment where they feel comfortable and safe by giving them personal attention and emotional support. During the first interview, patient history is taken and, if any, past treatments are evaluated and then necessary examinations are performed.

After performing additional tests, if required, individualized treatment is planned. The procedures performed after this process are listed below:

  • Stimulation of the ovaries (controlled ovarian stimulation /COS)
  • Long protocol
  • Antagonist protocol
  • Microdose short protocol
  • Hyperstimulation of the ovaries (OHSS)
  • Egg collection (OPU)
  • Fertilization embryo culture
  • Processing collected eggs and spermatozoa
  • Embryo formation
  • Test tube baby-embryo transfer
  • Test tube baby-embryo freezing
  • Luteal support
  • Pregnancy test

When Should You Visit the IVF Center?

The period that fertility peaks in women (reproductive potential) is defined as the early 20s and mid-20s. Fertility begins to decrease in late 20s and early 30s. This decrement in fertility is more pronounced after the age of 35 years.

In men as well, a decrease in fertility is observed with age. But this is not as fast as in women and usually the age is not a problem before the age of 60 years.

There are many problems that cause infertility. Sometimes, more than one factor at the same time can cause infertility. Although some of the causes of infertility are easy to diagnose and treat, this can be more difficult for some causes. However, it can be seen that some couples cannot have children although there is no problem neither in man nor in woman. It is recommended to start examinations if pregnancy has not occurred despite regular intercourse without using any contraceptive method in a year. However, it is important to start examinations immediately in women having following features and symptoms regardless of duration:

  • The age of 35 years and over,
  • Irregular or no menstruation,
  • Intermenstrual bleeding,
  • Pain during intercourse,
  • Past infections of the upper genital tract,
  • History of appendectomy or other abdominal (abdominal) surgeries in the past.

Which Examinations and Practices Are Performed at IVF Center?

  • Preparation of sperm for insemination
  • Blastocyst culture (transfer)
  • Surgical sperm acquisition (TESA/TESE/micro TESE)
  • Cracking needle
  • Doppler ultrasonography
  • Embryo freezing (Cryopreservation)
  • Embryo transfer
  • Pregnancy test
  • Hormone analysis
  • Hormone-suppressing drugs
  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Co-culture
  • Laser-assisted nesting
  • Microinjection (ICSI: intra cytoplasmic sperm injection)
  • PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis)
  • PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening)
  • Primo vision
  • Retrograde ejaculation test (searching for sperms in the urine after ejaculation)
  • Semen analysis (spermogram)
  • Sperm – testicular tissue freezing
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy
  • Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy
  • Assisted nesting (Assisted hatching)
  • Microinjection of sperm selected by high microscopic magnification (IMSI)

Evaluation of Infertile Couple

The highest fertility period in women is between the early and mid 20s. Fertility decreases in the late 20s and early 30s, and further decreases after the age of 35. Fertility in men also decreases with age but does not change this rapidly.

Personal Evaluation

Nursing team of Florence Test Tube Baby is consisted of specialist and experienced persons to improve your treatment outcomes. One-to-one communication does not only improve your comfort but also reduces your stress and anxiety thus will contribute to improving your treatment outcomes.

Semen Analysis (Sipermiogram)

Semen Analysis is to evaluate the fluid and content ejaculated from penis for volume and quality.

PGD – PGS : Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis/Screening

Pgd-Pgs : The number of chromosomes is abnormal which is called aneuploidy, the most common …

Treatment in Infertility

The highest fertility period in women is between the early and mid 20s. Fertility decreases in the late 20s and early 30s, and further decreases after the age of 35. Fertility in men also decreases with age but does not change this rapidly.

Transfer of Embryo for Test Tube Baby

Embryos can be transferred between the 2nd and 6th days after collecting the ovum. The factors to evaluate include the number of embryos to transfer; date of transfer; the number and quality of embryos; age of woman and whether she has previously tried for a test tube baby; and similar factors.

Microinjection / ICSI

Microinjection (ICSI) is to inject the sperms into the ovum.

Embryo Freezing

Maximum 2 embryos can be transferred to a patient. If more than one embryo has been achieved …