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Home/Prof. Barış Topçular, M.D.

Prof. Barış Topçular, M.D.

DEPARTMENT : Neurology

PRIMARY LOCATION : Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital

LANGUAGES : English, Turkish

Istanbul Florence Nightingale Hospital
Gayrettepe Florence Nightingale Hospital
Bakırköy Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman Mental Health and Nervous Diseases Training and Research Hospital
University of Basel, Switzerland Faculty of Medicine
Research Doctor
  • Parkinson’s

  • Brain Health

  • Migraine

  • Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s with PET – MRI

Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine Neurology Specialization Training
Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine

1.B. Topcular, D. Yandim-Kuscu, M. Colak, N. Behrem, N. Karagoz-Sakalli, G. Gul, N.P. Sutlas, D. Kirbas.,"Unilateral  ptosis associated with paramedian thalamiic infarction.", Ideggyógyászati Szemle, 275-6 pp.,2011 

2.D. Kirbas, B. Topcular, ME Ozcan, N.S. Karagoz, G. Gul, I.A. Kalyoncu., "Idiopathic Tolosa-Hunt syndrome: four  additional cases", Ideggyógyászati szemle, 250–254 pp., 2008 

3. C. Gürses, B. Bilgiç, B. Artillery, OG Tuncer, G. Akman-Demir, H. Hanagasi, B. Baslo, H. Gurvit, O. Coban, M.  Emre, H.A. Idrisoğlu., "Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings of HIV-negative patients with  neurosyphilis.", Journal of Neurology (ISI), 368-74 pp., 2007, DOI: 10.1007/s00415-006-0380-z 

4.P. Ozturk, G. Kocabay, B. Topcular, H Yazici, AA Cagatay, G Bahat, B Baykan, A Turkmen, A Yildiz, "Non-convulsive  status epilepticus following antibiotic therapy as a cause of unexplained loss of “consciousness in patients with renal  failure”, Clinical and Experimental Nephrology (ISI), 138–144 pp., 2009 , DOI: 10.1007/s10157-008-0115-9 

5. E. Aykutlu, B. Baykan, G. Akman-Demir, B. Topcular, M. Ertas, "Headache in Behçet's disease.",  Cephalalgia (ISI), 180–186 pp., 2006, DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-2982.2005.01017.x 

6.A. Petzold, A. Altintas, L. Andreoni, A. Bartos, A. Berthele, M.A. Blankenstein, L. Buee, M. Castellazzi, S. Cepok, M.  Comabella , C.S. Constantinescu, F. Deisenhammer, G. Deniz, G. Erten, M. Espino, E. Fainardi, D. Franciotta, M.S.  Freedman, V. Giedraitis , NE Gilhus, G. Giovannoni, A. Glabinski, P. Grieb, H.P. Hartung, B. Hemmer, S.K. Herukka,  R. Hintzen, M. Ingelsson, S. Jackson , S . Jacobsen,N. Jafari, M. Jalosinski, S. Jarius, E. Kapaki, BC Kieseier, M.J. Koel 

Simmelink, J.Kornhuber, J. Kuhle, J. Kurzepa , PH. Lalive, L. Lannfelt, V. Lehmensiek, P. Lewczuk, P. Livrea, F. Marnetto,  D. Martino, T. Menge, N. Norgren, E. Papuć, GP Paraskevas, T. Pirttilä, C. Rajda, K. Rejdak, J. Ricny, D. Ripova , L.  Rosengren, M. Ruggieri, S. Schraen, G. Shaw,C. Sindic, A. Siva, T. Stigbrand, I. Stonebridge,B. Topcular, M. Trojano,  H. Tumani, H.A. Twaalfhoven, L. Vecsei, V. Van Pesch, H. Vanderstichele, C. Vedeler, M.M. Verbeek, L.M. Villar, R.  Weissert, B. Wildemann, C. Yang, K. Yao, C.E. Teunissen, "Neurofilament ELISA validation",Journal of  Immunological Methods (ISI), 23-31 pp., 2010, DOI:10.1016/j.jim.2009.09.014 

7. E.W. Radue, W.H. Stuart, P.A. Calabresi, C. Confavreux, S.L. Galetta, R.A. Rudick, F.D. Lublin, B. Weinstock Guttman, D.R. Wynn, E. Fisher,A. Papadopoulou, F. Lynn, M.A. Panzara, A.W. Sandrock; SENTINEL Investigators.,  "Natalizumab plus interferon beta-1a reduces lesion formation in relapse multiple sclerosis", Journal of  the Neurological Sciences, 28-35 pp., 2010, DOI:10.1016/j.jns.2010.02.012 

8.M. Ertaş, A. Siva, T. Dalkara, N. Uzuner, B. Dora, L. Inan, F. Idiman, Y. Sarica, D. Selçuki, H. Sirin, A. Oğuzhanoğlu, C.  Racec , M. Ozmenoglu, T. Ozbenli, M. Ozturk, S. Saip, M. Neyal, M. Zarifoğlu; Turkish MIDAS group., "Validity  and reliability of the Turkish Migraine Disability Assessment (MIDAS) questionnaire.", Headache (ISI), 786-93  pp., 2004, DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-4610.2004.04146.x