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Home/Selcuk Kihtir, M.D.

Selcuk Kihtir, M.D.

DEPARTMENT : Breast Surgery

PRIMARY LOCATION : Kadıköy Florence Nightingale Hospital

LANGUAGES : English, Turkish

Florence Nightingale Hospital, Kadikoy, Istanbul
General Surgery and Breast Surgery
Anatolia Medical Center, Tuzla, Istanbul
General Surgery and Director of Emergency Surgery
Memorial Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey
General Surgery and Director of Emergency Surgery
Weill Medical College, Cornell University, New York, USA
Lincoln Medical Center, New York, NY
General Surgery Specialty Training
New York Medical College, New York, USA
Hand Surgery Fellowship
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston.Texas
General Surgery Internship
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Baltimore USA
Breast Diseases Observership
Stanford University, California , USA
Cyber Knife Radiosurgery
Stereotactic Treatments in Pancreas and Liver Cancer
Marmara University Medical Faculty, İstanbul, Turkey
Medical School
Saint Joseph French High School, İstanbul, Turkey
  • Surgery for Breast Cancer and Benign Diseases

  • Thyroid Surgery

  • Gallbladder Surgery

1. G Stringel M.D.-J.L Zitsman M.D.-I Shehadi M.D.-S Kihtir M.D.
Laparoscopic Apendectomy in Children.
The Journal of the Sciety of Laparoscopic Surgeons.
1997 Jan-MAR,1(1):37-9

2. Miglietta M. M.D.-Kihtir S.M.D.-Schwartz K.S,J M.D.
Gastric Perforation During Endotracheal Intubation.
Contemporary Surgery, 1999 55(4):193-199

3. Factors Affecting Early Mortality in Penetrating Abdominal Vascular Trauma.
T Robb DO-PbarieM.D.-S Kihtir M.D.-S Eachempatti M.D.
Weill Medical College of Conell Uninersity NewYork NY.

4. Selçuk Kihtir
Chapter of Breast Cancer
Textbook of General Surgery. Europa Medical Publishing Co, Halil Bilgel (Ed): 3:18.319-332,2007

5. Selçuk Kihtir
Chapter of Thoracic Trauma
Textbook of Trauma Surgery. Ulusal Kitabevi, Tugrul Kihtir (Ed): 9:95-101,1995

6. Selçuk Kihtir
Chapter of Heart Trauma
Textbook of Trauma Surgery. Ulusal Publishing Co, Tugrul Kihtir (Ed): 9:111-119,1995

7. Selçuk Kihtir, Tuğrul Kihtir.
Chapter of Neck Trauma

8. Tugrul Kihtir, Selçuk Kihtir
Chapter of Trauma Scoring Systems
Textboof of Trauma. İstanbul Medical Publishing Co, Cemalettin Ertekin (Ed): 1:6.65-72,2005.